Thursday, July 21, 2011

What's the most exciting thing about the Confluence?

The Confluence website touts a key attraction: The five teachers gathering have 175 years of combined teaching experience among them.

Yeah, that's a lot. And it doesn't even count the authorized teachers who will be assisting in classes and who knows how else.

I'm fairly certain that the essential confluence of these experienced Ashtanga teachers is the main draw for those of us who have signed up already. (Spots, I've heard, are going fast. Probably best not to dally too much.)

But there is more to it than just them. Off the top of my head, I can think of a few other draws:

* MC Yogi's Saturday night music. Think we can count on hearing "Ganesh is Fresh"?
* Potential gathering with old and far-flung yoga friends.
* If you're coming from outside of Southern California, a break from lingering winter.
* The chance to surround yourself with hundreds (I'm guessing) of other Ashtangis.
* The opportunity to discover a new product, line of clothing, food stuff from the promised vendors and sponsors. (I'll admit, I always love wandering through the vendor booths, even if I rarely buy anything.)
* And, as we've posted about already, the asana classes, the talks, the opening puja ceremony.

There's a half dozen things. But I'm curious what you -- yeah, you, the one reading this right now -- are most excited about; why did you sign up for the Confluence already, why are you toying with the idea of signing up?

And, just maybe, what else do you hope they add to the weekend?

(Photo from MC Yogi's website.)

Note: We've moved to

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